Monday, May 19, 2008

God's wedding

It gives me great pleasure in inviting you and your family to my wedding with Harini. The marriage ceremony is in Tirupati, my home town, followed by a Reception in Mumbai. Brief program details are as follows:
5th June: Reception at Tirupati
6th June: 7AM -8 AM: Marriage Ceremony
13th June: Reception at Mumbai
Looking forward to sharing our joy with you on this auspicious and happy occasion. Please do call me with your travel plans so that I can make arrangements for your stay at Tirupati.

Have uploaded the invite in Picasa and here is the link.
http://picasaweb. srinivas. puni/WeddingInvi te/photo? authkey=uSNQw- fPJUI#5201343729 960828018
Regards Srinivas

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